
Cream Ale

Alc/Vol%:   5.2           IBU:  20

A clean, flavorful American lawnmower beer. An ale version of the American lager style. Made in the traditional method with a cereal mash cooker, using 50% malt barley and 50% raw corn maize grown and hand picked on our farm.  A sweet, corn-like aroma with faint malt notes. Lightly hopped with fresh green Pride of Ringwood hop flowers from the vines growing on our farm.  Very pale light gold in color.  A pleasant sweet and refreshingly crisp beer with a dry tart finish.


Alc/Vol%: 5.2           IBU:  15

“Historically, Saisons’ were refreshing summer ales made by farmers. Each farm brewer would make his own distinctive version”.   This season we grew a wheat originating from Bordeaux in France (Rouge de Bordeaux).  We started with a hand full of seed from the Australian Seed Bank and it has taken over 3 years to produce enough on our farm.  To celebrate the harvest we decided to brew a seasonal beer using our beautiful wheat and Pearle hop flowers grown on our farm .  The resulting beer is a light refreshing wheat beer with complex citrus tones and a slightly sour finish. A lovely golden colour with high carbonation.  We hope you enjoy our Saison……

Pale Ale

Alc/Vol%:   5.5         IBU:  35 

A prominent hop aroma with a harmony of flowers, fruit, earth and spice. A clean malty sweetness may be found in the background. Fruitiness from esters and hops.  A flavorful, yet refreshing, session beer. Using Willamette hops grown on our farm the emphasis is on the bittering hop addition as opposed to the aggressive middle and late hopping seen in American Pale Ales.   


India Pale Ale

Alc/Vol% 5.8           IBU:   50

A prominent hop aroma from dry hopping with Amarillo, Citra and Galaxy.  Made from traditional hand crafted, floor malted barley from the “House of Malt” in Ballarat.  This is a spicy beer with lots of estery bite and deep copper colour.  Flavourful yet refreshing, session beer.  Emphasis is on the bittering from first wort hopping and high temperature fermentation to bring out the most from the fruity yeast.  If you like bitter, floral, earthy, citrusy, piney, fruity, and, yes once more, bitter flavour notes, we hope you love this IPA.

Belgian Blond

Alc/Vol: 5.7 IBU: 20

This Belgian-German ale marries the rich brewing traditions of both regions, creating a uniquely complex and flavourful experience. Brewed with a distinctive German yeast strain, it introduces subtle notes of clove, banana, and spice, adding depth to the profile. The malt base is light and smooth, supporting gentle fruity sweetness and hints of earthiness. Pouring a vibrant golden colour with a thick, creamy head, the high carbonation enhances its lively character.

Alc/Vol%: 5.2         

Description: Our Ginger Beer offers a nice punchy ginger aroma, fresh and earthy, with a zesty zingy bite. Light bodied with a lively carbonation that enhances the gingery kick, it balances warmth from ginger root spice with a touch of sweetness. Perfectly refreshing, it’s a bold blend of flavour and satisfaction.

Black Oat Stout

Alc/Vol %:  5.2            IBU:  30

Description:    Our Black Oat Stout is light bodied, smooth, silky and creamy.  A medium sweet to medium dry palate, with complex oat and dark roasted grain flavours.  Hop aroma is low due to early single addition of Chinook hop flowers grown on our farm.  Medium hop bitterness with the balance towards roast barley bitterness.  

We use Saia Oats in our Black Oat Stout.  Saia are a small black oat that dates back to the Bronze Age and is grown extensively throughout the Strathbogie Ranges because of its tolerance to our harsh and variable climate to produce a truly unique beer.

McQuinns Brown Ale

Alc/Vol%:   5.6        IBU:   21

A light sweet malt aroma with coffee, chocolate and caramel notes.  Dark amber brown in colour, with a creamy off-white head.  Gentle to moderate malt sweetness, with a light caramelly toasted biscuit character and medium finish.  Low bitterness with malt and hops balance nearly even.